Time is everything

Time is a friend Time is an enemy and betrayal Time is a family, protector, and rescuer Time is a teacher, physiologists, doctor, and soldier Time will make you cry Time will make you laugh and convey the best Time will teach you people, show you a person, and open your eyes Time removes illusionsContinue reading “Time is everything”

She is Pure Gold

It is with her, I leant: To walk, want, wear, and wash To live, laugh, love, and look To see, hear, smell, and feel She has been an additional sense and a hand holder   In the days of trouble, I look up to hear seeking her hand I cry out loud calling her nameContinue reading “She is Pure Gold”

Dear Soul, Heart, and Mind

Dear soul, I felt worried, I didn’t know why I didn’t sleep last night I couldn’t tell why over again and again I called you but you couldn’t respond because you were sleeping and caring for yourself Dear heart, Why couldn’t you blink even for a second? Am I the root cause of why worry?Continue reading “Dear Soul, Heart, and Mind”

It an Achievement? Do we need to do so?

But is marriage an achievement? Do we need marriage? Marriage is a person’s choice; no one should tell you whether you need a man or a woman. As for wanting to be independent and doing everything by yourself… no man is an island, don’t kid yourself. Need is the word in question. You don’t needContinue reading “It an Achievement? Do we need to do so?”

It is Up to You to Build It and Leave No Gap

It was on March 2nd, 2018, when I went to a Tres Toast Masters’ club, a place where I believe that leaders are made through developing leadership and communication skills. The second speaker gave us a speech entitled “Relationships in Crisis”. Throughout the speech, he talked about trust, expectations, and priorities whereby I just builtContinue reading “It is Up to You to Build It and Leave No Gap”

Magic Drink

There is a song; “in heaven, there is no beer, that is why we are drinking here, and when you are gone from here, your friends will be drinking your beer.” To all people who enjoy beer, the song is dedicated to you. Before I get kicked out of the music group, I was taughtContinue reading “Magic Drink”

Before, Now, and Then.

Before, Togetherness was through visitations Marriage was a symbol of eternity A family meant the whole world to everyone Figure was in differentiating a woman and a girl Fitness was in hard working Virginity meant pride and responsibility.   Now, Togetherness is through social media Marriage is a symbol of holding hands A family meansContinue reading “Before, Now, and Then.”

Africans’ Perseverance

African news headline: At least 42 dead in Central African Republic clashes: Mayor Suspected Boko Haram militants kill two in police ambush in northeast Nigeria: police France softens proposed U.N. backing for Sahel force to appease U.S. Deadly clashes erupt in the Central African Republic despite ceasefire (June 22nd, 2017) Africa is portrayed as theContinue reading “Africans’ Perseverance”