Time is everything

Time is a friend

Time is an enemy and betrayal

Time is a family, protector, and rescuer

Time is a teacher, physiologists, doctor, and soldier

Time will make you cry

Time will make you laugh and convey the best

Time will teach you people, show you a person, and open your eyes

Time removes illusions

Time brings confusions and immediate results

Time will prove what’s wrong, right, and give you a direction

Time will tell what to bring

Time will illustrate what to throw away and makes cooked food rotten

Time will make fruits ripen, flowers before your eyes, and wind blow east to west

Time will travel

Time will be stop another moment speed up

Time is an eye, ear, mouth, and smell

Time is silence

Time is sound and shepherd

Time is a distractor, collaborator, and dictator

Time is a captivator

Time is a healer and motivator

Time is future, today, and tomorrow

No matter what you intent tells you, and no matter the situation, just trust time. Time will reveal everything and anything.

Published by Essentialforlife

Gloria holds Bachelor's Degree in Arts in Communication. My interests are in writing, consulting, entrepreneurship, volunteering, helping a person in need, and marketing.

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