It an Achievement? Do we need to do so?

But is marriage an achievement? Do we need marriage?

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Marriage is a person’s choice; no one should tell you whether you need a man or a woman. As for wanting to be independent and doing everything by yourself… no man is an island, don’t kid yourself.
Need is the word in question. You don’t need a man. And a man doesn’t need a woman. They may complement each other but I don’t think you need a man/woman to reach your optimum performance/greatness/life. You are complete in yourself with all your senses and reason.

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Picture by Liberal Dictionary 


As I was walking down the streets, I came across two men talking about this topic, asking themselves the same questions. The tallest guy in the crew said “we may need to redefine the concept in the African way. For me, I know I can live without a woman in my life, I can eat, drink and do anything humanly possible without a woman, but I need a woman in my life because I just feel better that way”. Should one choose to get married because of that feeling that needs satisfaction?

Image result for satisfaction
Image source: Buster Fetcher Website 

Published by Essentialforlife

Gloria holds Bachelor's Degree in Arts in Communication. My interests are in writing, consulting, entrepreneurship, volunteering, helping a person in need, and marketing.

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