Daily Dose for the Soul

Be Inspired..!!


Dependency indicates that “I am not whole, in and of myself,” and that “I am needing another in order to be whole”; and that is not the case with you or with us. In fact, this question really points us towards a very important premise, or basis, for good relationships : When people feel insecure in their singularity, and so seek a compassion to shore them up, the relationship is never stable, because it is on an unstable footing. But when two people who are independently secure and in alignment with their respective inner beings join together, now their relationship has a solid footing. In other words, they are not dependent upon each other for resources. They are getting those resources from Source, and now they can interact and co-create from that solid basis.

When two or more minds come together that are positivity focused upon a subject, those…

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Published by Essentialforlife

Gloria holds Bachelor's Degree in Arts in Communication. My interests are in writing, consulting, entrepreneurship, volunteering, helping a person in need, and marketing.

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