“Feminists are nasty and mean”

She says “feminists are nasty and mean” Do I agree with her?

Image result for feminists are nasty
Timmyfan Whispers.com

“I believe these voices like Lena Dunham, and Miley Cyrus, and Chelsea Handler are convincing women against themselves, telling women, ‘You don’t need a man. You don’t need anyone. You should want to do everything by yourself. And if you do aspire to that — if you aspire towards that nature — then something’s wrong with you,’” Owens said. Does Miley Cyrus tell women that they do not need men? Why would she do that when she has been with Liam Hems worth this whole time until recently?


Please separate androgynous people from feminists. Androgynists hate men and their world view is one in which men are subjugated. The rallying call for feminists this year was balance for the better. Look up the hashtag, you will see what I’m saying, but we have lived in a society where women’s voices have not been heard for the longest time that any woman who would dare speak is out of line. Which is why feminists are seen as uncouth? Still, we’re here. I am a feminist. Do you want me and her to be nasty and mean? Given, I do not care. Movements have never been successful by being polite. Oh! A feminist being nasty and mean is not a new thing. They’ve been nasty since the 1800s. Ask the Suffragettes who won women the right to vote.

Image result for won women the right to vote.
who do you think you are.com

I would like to point out that as can be seen, discussions about feminism are usually highly emotive nonobjective and tainted with people’s prejudices. Most people that come out to speak against feminism have not taken time to read up on what feminism really is, and always come out guns blazing on just certain aspects of feminism which highly likely, they have not fully comprehended its context.

The reason why it may be so hard to accept feminism is that women are so used to being subjugated members of society. And while it looks foreign, more African and minority women are learning to speak up for themselves, and discover that they too are humans, single entities, without the men whose shadows they have stood in for long. Look through history, women carry the weight of the world on their shoulders, yet are still the biggest victims and casualties in anything that could go wrong. We are looking to correct that and get our just deserts for all our labor.

Feminism is a philosophical theory. Every school of thought has its stratification. Gender inequality is not a war against people it’s a fight against a system set up to the disadvantage of others. This is not to say that we are tackling the same battles our great grandmothers fought or things aren’t better, there is still a power imbalance that we must speak for against it. And we’re here, the generation of women that will see that happen. Or we will raise children to do what we can’t finish. Call us bitter, call us angry, mean, nasty, yes. We are all those things because we are fighting for the ultimate empowerment of women. We don’t care. Sticks and stones break bones. But words?

Women’s rights are human rights and human rights are women’s rights. Let’s teach all our children to respect everyone’s women and men included because they are all born Equal. They have the potentiality to do almost anything each of them can do.

Published by Essentialforlife

Gloria holds Bachelor's Degree in Arts in Communication. My interests are in writing, consulting, entrepreneurship, volunteering, helping a person in need, and marketing.

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